Tuesday, July 5, 2011


A vague memory, half-submerged in the tributaries of my unconscious, bobbing up now and again to feel the warmth of sunlight, always incapable of finding its way back to the ocean.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Long time, no post...

Haven't posted here in a long, long time.

Haven't written in a long time, either.

Want to change that.


"Forgive and forget" may be the popular, or at least the accepted, 'right thing to do', but I refuse.

Just because someone cannot see the problem, or the hurt, does not mean it is not there.

Just because it was a long time ago, or one has aged, or is blood - whatever the reason or excuse - does not mean I automatically have to just let it go, does not mean I have to forget, or move on or forgive.

And just because you refuse to acknowledge or even - just once - ponder what the issue could be does not mean there is no problem.

Sometimes, cliches and platitudes are useless, the chasm too wide and the ability to cross it lost.

At last, the only path to follow is away, step by step.

So, I walk.