Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Distance is Relative

Distance is Relative

If you grow up in the same house,
separated by rooms,
does that make you friends for life?
Not always.

If you share DNA,
separated by age,
are you bonded and close?
Not always.

If you live in the same town,
separated by streets,
do you partake in each others lives?
Not always.

If you live on the same planet,
separated by a call,
do you talk often?
Not always.

If you are both alive,
separated by anger,
do you forgive?
Not always.

If one of you is gone,
separated by death,
do you mourn?
Not always.

This is a submission on the theme "Distance"
for The Tenth Daughter of Memory


  1. If one learns to speak
    Can they still praise without words
    Not always

  2. It always amazes me how people who share the same DNA, can be so different, so 'far' from each other. Witty title too! I like this :)

  3. Undiluted poetry keeps on rolling, eh?

    If one of you cares,
    but the other does not,
    does that mean there's no love?
    Not always.

    Rock n' roll.
